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Robotic Tank

[MARCH 2018]


Navigate down to trace the evolution of this tank! Starting from its inception featuring a humble Arduino, progressing to its advanced stage operating RTOS on an STM32 and ROS on Rpi, then culminating in its ESP32 iteration with web server capabilities, this tank has developed, and will be developing alongside me. Notably, it stands as the singular endeavor that I've repeatedly returned to, refining my proficiencies in embedded software programming, electronics and 3D CAD design. 

  1. Webserver Control
  2. video streaming
  3. voice control
  4. coordinate GUI 
  5. GPS TRacking
  6. Obstacle avoidance
  7. automatic headlights

Embarking from its origins with a set of simple metal tank chassis, ran using the Arduino Microcontroller. It was then only able to do obstacle avoidance. With time, the Arduino was swapped out for a STMicroelectronics board (STM32) during a Real Time Operating System Course. The program was a mess then, but the tank was later enhanced with video streaming capabilities, voice recognition, ethernet control - which allowed me to control the tank from either a Mobile device or computer as long as internet access is available.


The latest iteration uses a ESP32 based MCU, and the latest addition of a LCD screen and GPS module also allows for a coordinate system which tracks and records the tank's vectors and motions based on its GPS location. The NEO-6m GPS module module was one of my best purchases - it's a GPS module capable of tracking up to 22 satellites, over 50 channels. But thats not all; It is capable of performing location updates up to 5Hz (5 location / second), and its U-blox 6 positioning engine also has a Time-To-First-Fix (TTFF) of less than 1 second.

This is insane considering this module only costs 12 usd.

One big change was also that I've abandoned using breadboards and lameass jumper wires, and went for etched prototype PCBs + 3D designed and printed parts. 

It is not considered autonomous as the tank does not fully know where it is when indoors, since the indoors GPS Fix is trash.

Future plans are to add Lidar, and possibly a turret. Core wise i'll be shifting from MCU to a full blown SBC - the NVIDIA Jetson Nano, which will grant me processing prowess to execute computer vision functionalities. Will be updating the space below with these future implementations, and revamping this page once the entire project is completed. This project has spent/wasted alot of my 3d printing filament + this page is pretty messy but it is what it is, till the project's completed :)


Turret Prototype Mk.1 [August 2019]

First turret prototype, consisting of 2 servos and 1 camera module. Didn't really like it since the turret is incapable of turning more than 360 degrees before the cables are tangled, hence abandoning this turret design.

Took me weeks to 3D CAD design this but heck, shall not submit to sunk cost fallacy.


Turret Prototype Mk.2 [Dec 2020]

Gained inspiration when I boarded my fav armored vehicle during my weekday job, and the 2nd turret prototype now consists of a slip ring. The slip ring swivel cables are specialised cables designed to transmit electrical signals, data and power while allowing continuous rotation without tangling or restricting movement. 

I then designed a rotating platform to fit the slip ring + eventual gun onto.

These easily allows the ESP32 MCU control over the actuators above the rotating platform while granting freedom of rotation above 360 degrees.

Will be replacing that weakass servo as well.

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