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Alvin Lui Jia En
30 years old
English | 中文 | Deutsch

Welcome to my site, where I document some of my random weekend tinkers. Ultimately, I dream of being able to look at a revolutionary piece of tech one day and proudly proclaim, 

"This, this is made possible by my team and me".

Navigate down to check out the setup and tools used!

Contact me for:

  • Collaboration on fun weekend projects (emphasis on fun)

  • free source code/CAD design files to my home projects

  • graphic calculator repair services 

  • I'm also looking to hire a graphic designer to help redesign my site logo (the current one is a ripoff of gundam)

the dream lab

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This is where I transmute dreams to reality; where I design, program, 3D print, drill, solder and create.

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The ultrawide monitor offers exceptional multitasking capabilities, allowing me to effortlessly manage multiple code tabs while keeping a watchful eye on the progress of my 3D prints. Moreover, the iPad serves as a wonderful resource for accessing my collection of books, enhancing my referencing experience.

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This is the dedicated space for tasks such as assembling, post-processing 3D parts, laser engraving, and drilling. The iPad proves invaluable once more as a reference tool during assembly, aiding me in visualizing the precise placement of components within my 3D designs. Further details about the showcased tools can be found below.

Augmented Reality: The iPad serves as a versatile tablet, not only enabling me to design while on the move but also assisting in the pre-printing/assembly visualization of my creations. When at home, I utilize Fusion360 on my desktop PC for designing, whereas during my travels, I opt for onShape to continue my design work.

Dremel Workstation: A multifunctional tool that allows me to mount both my Dremel drill, and a super intense laser. The Dremel tool can be removed to use individually, and on-the-go as well.

The laser was cannibalized and modified from my PS3's bluray reader. Changed the focal lens, provided super high voltage and current to it then boom, it can now cut into materials. PSA: remember to wear laser safe goggles if you wanna do the same.


CR-5 Pro 3D Printer: Through dedicated modification and meticulous fine-tuning, I have transformed this semi-industrial 3D printer into a paragon of reliability. My choice of filaments primarily revolves around PLA-pro for standard prints and PETG for more robust and durable creations.

TS80P digital solder ironAn agile and swift soldering iron stands as a testament to efficiency, swiftly reaching temperatures from 0 to 300 degrees Celsius within a mere 10 seconds. Its portability is equally remarkable, capable of being powered by portable batteries. This attribute aligns seamlessly with my preference for versatile tools, especially since I conduct classes in various venues on weekends. The ability to operate these tools anytime and anywhere, free from the constraint of a power outlet, is truly invaluable.

Prioritizing health and safety, I opt for lead-free solder, an expensive but conscious investment considering its impact on my well-being. To further enhance the work environment, the Hako smoke absorber diligently sieves out any potentially harmful fumes, ensuring a safer and healthier workspace.

ISDT 608AC Lipo battery charger: On top of high speed charging tailored for my lipo batteries, this boasts an additional advantage - its AC-DC segment can be detached, rendering the charger truly versatile for on-the-go use. This ingenious design permits me to charge batteries utilizing another LiPo battery, proving particularly beneficial when replenishing the energy of smaller robot batteries with the help of a higher-capacity counterpart.

Last but not least, it is paramount that my setup has a set of good speakers & subwoofer, for that essential extra punch of bass.


3D Printer - Creality CR5 Pro, Creality CR10S

Hardware Tools - Dremel tool, black and decker drill, some cheap laser cannibalized from my PS3 Blu-ray reader.

Embedded software:

Skillset: C, C++, Yocto Linux, ROS, RTOS 

Microcontrollers - STM32, ATMEL, ESP32, ESP8266, Arduino

SBCs - Nvidia Jetson Nano, NXP i.MX6/8, Raspberry Pi

Software Tools:

CAD software - Fusion360, Solidworks, TinkerCAD, OnShape (ipad)

Programming IDEs - Eclipse, VScode, PlatformIO, STM32CubeIDE, ArduinoIDE, notepad + make + gcc/g++ :D

tech adventures

The following is a long-winded list of technology-related checkpoints, for reminiscence purposes.


August 2023 - Present

Stoked and extremely thankful for the opportunity to work here.

Eagerly anticipating the development of products that will impact millions globally!


ST Engineering

[July 2022 - August 2023] Senior Software Engineer

[Feb 2021 - July 2022 ] Software Engineer (Perm staff)

[Feb 2020 - Feb 2021 ] Software Engineer (Contract)

[Nov 2019 - Feb 2020 ] Intern, Embedded Software

Embarked on my journey here as an intern, following a 9-months intensive Embedded Software Graduate Diploma course sponsored by ST Engineering and taught by Digipen Singapore. The course accelerated my embedded software knowledge at an insane rate. Classified projects at ST were breathtaking, each radiating ingenuity and beauty in their use-cases/implementation. Was an absolute blast working with fellow Engineers, some of whom are equally passionate about engineering, and forged close friendships with some as well. It has been an educational 4 years for sure, having the opportunity to learn from many great minds and mentors. The vast amount of autonomy and creative freedom given for exploration was definitely something I enjoyed too, and certainly contributed largely to my growth as a software engineer.​ 

This company, especially the colleagues and projects, will forever hold a special place in my heart.

(Came full circle: First pic taken for a Digipen Article after my internship, 2nd pic taken on my last day)


Digipen Institute of technology

Devoted extensive hours, often from 9 am until as late as 12 am, to immerse myself in a demanding 9 months Embedded Software course, sponsored by ST Engineering.

Reflecting on this transformative 9-month journey feels like stepping into a temporal chamber. While the calendar indicates a mere 9 months, the depth of learning I attained surpassed what I might have absorbed in that same time frame in the past.

The hallmark of an exceptional course becomes evident through distinct characteristics. In this case, the classroom bore a resemblance to an arcane cavern, adorned with cryptic symbols etched across its four walls. Our daily quizzes, demanding completion by the stroke of midnight (2359 hours), came with a unique twist—access to the internet for answers was strictly prohibited. There were severe repercussions for scoring below a 70% threshold for the assignments / quizzes as well, in the form of course termination and a clawback of the sponsorship. This aspect proved to be a game-changing experience, as it taught me the art of learning but also honed the ability to work effectively under pressure. It reinforced the idea that for any problem at hand, a myriad of solutions can be uncovered through meticulous thought and exploration.

My most significant software skills growth transpired within these walls. Will forever be thankful to the many profs and mentors who not only imparted on us valuable Software Knowledge but an invaluable learning methodology as well.

Robotics Connection
/Champs Robotics 

[2019 - present] weekend hustle

[2018 - 2019] Education Engineer

[2015 - 2018] Robotics Mentor 

Click here to visit my mentorship tab, where I explain why I still teach on weekends

Started work here as a pseudo part-time/full-time job while juggling university studies at NTU, then eventually went full-time. Back to only teaching on weekends now as I hold other full-time jobs on weekdays.

  • Conducted corporate training at RaboBank & BNP Paribas

  • Developed courseware and curriculum for robotics training in programming languages such as C and Python, and subsequently ROS.

  • Mentored students in the field of robotics using Arduino (C, C++), Raspberry Pi (Linux & Python), and EV3-G using Mindstorms.

  • Also coached student teams that won national scale competitions. 

  • Other than teaching at the private centre, also taught at Hwa Chong and Methodist Girls school. 


Nanyang Technological University

A worthy 3 years spent here; Forged lifelong friendships and experienced many firsts.

Xcite Chairperson (2015 - 2016)
• Planned and led 120 participants in 3 separate large-scale activities spanning locations across Singapore
• Mapped routes and planned schedule for a 12 hour Night Cycling activity
• Directed the respective committees on sourcing for sponsorship, venues and logistic planning
• Raised event funds from ticket sales and canvassing efforts
• Engaged in the liaison with the Students Affairs Office of NTU on matters relating to funding, safety and feasibility of activities

D&D Chief Programmer (2014 - 2015)
• Planned and executed programs for Dinner & Dance, an annual social event attended by hall residents
• Planned timeline and workflow for the D&D team, including liaising with vendors and hall residents


Anderson Secondary School

Robotics Club President

Initiated my passion in robotics here.

Also clinched first place at National Robotics Competition (2005) for fastest line tracing robot


Lucky kid

Unrelated pic of my sis and I catching jellyfishes while balancing on logs.

Thankful for having parents who consistently granted us the freedom to explore, and the confidence to take calculated risks. 

The most memorable advice was dropped by my mum on my PSLE result day. I scored 260/300 and was honored as the top student on stage, so I was a proud ass kid triumphantly shoving the cert in her face. Only for her to calmly tell me - "读书不是为了我们(家长)而读,更不是为了成绩而读,而是为了吸取知识,寻找兴趣“, which roughly translates to "don't study for us parents, nor grades, but study to gain knowledge and find your passions".  Although it stung to hear that at that instance, the quote eventually revealed itself to be a life-altering statement.

Thankful for having parents who emphasized the importance of passion over grades, and that our life is too short to squander over things we don't enjoy. 

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