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Maze solving robot
[Feb 2018]

A robot that finds its way out of a maze. There are a few algorithms one can use to get out of a maze, the simplest being to always follow one fixed side of a wall. In this example, the robot uses 3 Ultrasonic Sensors, which transmits ultrasonic waves and waits for its return to tabulate the proximity of the next closest object. It is then used to detect for gaps / walls, and the robot is programmed to follow the right side of the wall. 

One of my first few attempts at learning RTOS. Found that reading multiple sensors using RTOS and actuating the motors tgt is alot more efficient than polling each of them in a single loop. Her you can see the robot being able to respond accurately and turn swiftly, as opposed to if one were to poll the sensors in turn. Doing that will cause the robot to react to the spaces at different distances/intervals, due to the extensive time windows it needs to poll each sensor.

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